2701 W. Alameda Avenue, Suite 606
Burbank, CA 91505
Secure, removable overdentures in the Burbank area are available from Dr. Tavitian. The extra stability that comes from using implants means that your new dentures won't slip around.
You'll feel more comfortable compared to regular dentures. You'll feel more confident when talking, eating and smiling.
If you are missing one or more teeth, you'll want to talk with Burbank area dental implant dentist Dr. Alexandre Tavitian about replacements that look and feel as natural as your own teeth. If dentures are causing you problems, you may consider dental implants. Unlike dentures, which can be removed, Dr. Tavitian offers dental implants that are permanently anchored into the jaw itself.
Burbank area dentist, Dr. Alexandre Tavitian has extensive experience providing dental phobia treatments that help patients ease their dental anxiety. If fear of the dentist is keeping you from getting the quality dental care you need, we can help. You're not alone. Our trained team works with all kinds of anxiety and stress. We'll help you get the dental treatment you need in a way that makes you feel comfortable.
Alexandre Tavitian, D.D.S. is proud to be a trusted Burbank area Zoom!® teeth whitening dentist. Our patients love the short amount of time the tooth whitening treatment takes as much as they love the results.
You'll be able to relax in our comfortable surroundings. In just about an hour, you'll have a sparkling white smile!
300 N. Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Okada, Geoffrey D.D.S.
2701 W Alameda Ave # 405
Burbank, CA, 91505-4409
Advanced Dental Care
358 E Olive Ave
Burbank, CA, 91502-1215
Gerecht & Goldberg
2031 W Alameda Ave # 320
Burbank, CA, 91506-2960
Alameda Park Dental Office Inc
221 W Alameda Ave # 101
Burbank, CA, 91502-3031